Saturday, July 23, 2011

Kim's Chickens on 6/19/2011

 Gwenevere (white in front), Raquel (spotted- back right), Chicken Little (front right corner)
 VR (naked neck- gray)
 VR (gray)
Chicken Little (spotted at right)
    The chickens have grown a bunch so I will try to get some pictures today and post them tonight. We need to get the rest of them named also.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Henry Co Fair 2011

 Charlotte giving Bandit a bath.
 Making the rounds in the ring.
 Sorry, couldn' t get this one rotated, but Wes and Fuzzy are very proud.
 Two goofy kids and two great calves.
 Wes blow drying Fuzzy.
 Charlotte showing up a storm.  BLUE RIBBON!
 What a smile!
Telling the judge about Fuzzy.
Hope you enjoyed this post!

Love, Charlotte & Deb