Wednesday, July 29, 2020

RED COUCH!!!! 7-27-20

What a great find! Since the first get together, we have been looking for a red couch, because almost everyone, when asked what they remember about the store, they say, "Ray had a red couch right there".
 Good job Kim!

Egg Room 7-26-20

Thank goodness for the egg room. Dad says that when the store was in it's hay day, Ray would buy eggs from area farm wives and he would sort and check them in this room.  Since we have been working in the store this room has changed in our minds and in reality, probably more lives to come.  Little kitchenette, tool storage, chair storage and bathroom.

Nail Cabinet 7-18-20

This nail cabinet was bought at the Naff Hardware auction. It sat in Ricks shop for years until we rescued it (mainly to give Rick more room in his shop).  There were two broken handles and Tam rebuilt them.  We also sanded and re-stained the top.

Murphy Bed 7-11-20

This is an antique hardware cabinet  that we took apart and used the pieces to build the outside shell of the Murphy bed.  Kim ordered the Murphy bed hardware and we built it from there. The painting was painted by Christi.

Stove and Kitchen

Tammy and I found this stove at an auction in Erie and Kim had it refinished.  She found the kitchen set on Facebook and we spent a lot of time sanding cleaning and painting.

Memorial Day 2020

Getting ready for Memorial Day, we went down to Ridge and made crosses for the graves.  It was the perfect place to spread out.  Early days of  Covid-19, we all wore masks.