Tuesday, June 21, 2011


We've started teaching the babies to drink water.  Stripe has pretty much weaned them and only lets them suck a few minutes a couple of times a day.  I've tried putting the water bowl in with them but they never seemed interested.  So I've started making their food a little dryer and that's done the trick.  Here's a pic of the first time. 

Love, Sher

Sunday, June 19, 2011

My Babies at 5 weeks and 1 Day!

This is Bogie!!

This is Maddy !!

Silly me, I thought I could put all seven babies in the cradle and they would all sit at attention for a photo.  Twas not the case!!  Still stinkin' cute though, don't you think?

Saturday, June 18, 2011

My Babies - 5 weeks

Hi All,

Here are some pics of my five week old babies.  Rolly-Polly precious babies!!!!


More Playing

5 week laundry basket picture

We don't like staying in this basket any more, we like to get out and PLAY!!

Seven little faces wanting out to play~

Full body shot

Getting cuter and cuter.  It's hard to imagine them getting any more stinkin' cute.  But they seem to get even cuter every week.  And they smell sooooo sweet!!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Mason & Ethan's Hives??????

 Mason!  Had them on and off since last Thursday.
 Ethan! His weren't as severe, now I think he has more.
 I spent the whole evening doing laundry. 
That's what I get for buying cheap!  I hope that bad laundry detergent is the culprit.


Sunday, June 12, 2011

Really lookin' good!

William Rutter Conservation Dedication

 Andrew, Brock & Will Moving stone into place.
 Getting it just right.
 Kim, Will, Rick, Elaine, Andrew, Jenna, Amy, Jamie, Chase, Jeff, Brock

Rick telling us about all the different pools at the marsh, 1 thru 7.
Rick, talks about his dad.

Pretty much Wes' whole weekend, talk, talk, talk.


Saturday, June 11, 2011

Puppies @ 4 Weeks

Hi All,

Here are pics of the babies at 4 weeks.

The 4 week old laundry basket picture.

All seven babies asleep on my lap.

Precious little bodies.

Eating supper last night.

A girl I work with and her husband, Kim and Jeff came over last night to pic out their girl.  They ended up picking two girls!!  They were head over heals for the babies and also Blue and Stripe.  The parents got almost as much attention as the babies.  We definitely don't have to worry about those two girls having a good home.  They are Golden fans just like me.

Love y'all,


Monday, June 6, 2011

Puppies - 3 Weeks

Hi All,

First, let me tell you that I am astounded and disappointed that none of you has commented on any of my previous posts as to how TOTALLY wonderful my precious babies are.  Come on guys...let me hear it!!  "Those are the most adorable babies I've ever seen!!!" would be an acceptable comment!

It was a very satisfying and fun weekend (albiet busy) with the babies.  They are growing so incredibly fast that it is amazing.  Here are some observations and tasks from the weekend:

  • Stripes mastitis has become a cyst.  Dr. Merry says her body "walled off" the infection into a cyst so the breast is still useable.  In fact there is still milk coming from the nipple but there is a hard knot on the side of the breast that burst Friday night with pus leaking.  We have to clean it and shoot a hard burst of water at the hole to clean out the pus to try to get it to drain and keep the hole open to allow it to heal from the inside.  Sorry, I know that's gross!
  • The babies are getting teeth.  Not sharp yet but you can definitely feel them.
  • They are eating three dog food meals a day now and she is slowly weaning them.  This makes them loud (and cute) because they still want to suck as much as possible. 
  • They are starting to play with each other now.  Very cute to watch who has dominance and who is more passive
  • They smell soooooo sweet.  That is unless they have just eaten.....then they just smell like dog food!
  • They are walking very well now! 
  • OK, I know you are going to think I've gone completely off my rocker when I tell you this, but, they are now squatting to poop.  Before they just laid there like little fat sausages.  But now that they are up on their feet, they squat. 
  • This morning I looked in on them when I was getting ready for work and they had all pooped over night but they all went in a little pile in the corner of the box.  Even I think I'm a little bit warped when I say I think this was "cute".
So, now here are some pics from the weekend:

This is the three week "Laudry basket" picture.  Dana's response after seeing this picture was "Are you sure that's the same laundry basket?"

Playing...blurry because they are all in motion!

More playing....


Mama cleaning a bottom.. she is such a good Mama!

That's Sonny....front and center.  He's the biggest and boldest.

Dr. Merry brought her family over on Friday night to see the babies.  Her brother is just a big Golden Retriever fan as I am.  Dr. Merry's daughter was graduating from High School so her whole family was in town.  She brought her brother, sister, brother in law, niece, nephew, mother and son and we set on the lawn with a puppy in each lap and talked about my babies for a couple of hours.   It was a lot of fun!  Dr. Merry's son, Will is taking the other boy (I call him Tyrone, because he's the dark male.)  I grilled Will about how Tyrone would be care for and trained and he passed the test.  He is almost as excited as I!!
He's quite a neat kid.  He's 15 with 2 years of high school left.  I really like him.  Tyrone will have a good home!!

Love you all!!



Thursday, June 2, 2011

Puppies at 2 Weeks

Hi Y'all,

Sorry I haven't blogged about my babies this week...been busy but I took alot of pics over the weekend so I'll share them now. 

We had a very hectic Memorial Day weekend with Stripe and the babies.  Stripe developed mastitis in one of her breasts and was throwing up Friday night.  We started her on antibiotics and anti-inflammatories and warm compresses of epsom salts and it seemed to be working.  Also started feeding her a little bit at 2 hour intervals.  Plus, wormed the puppies for the first time and clipped all of their nails because they were scratching her boobies.  We also started feeding them puppy food made soggy with water and putting them all in a baby pool with the food and just let them wallow around.  Boy did they like that!  Some of them took right to it immediately and some I had to teach by putting a little food in my finger and putting it in their mouth.  They would start sucking on my finger and quickly figured out how to eat it.  It was very cute.  They have also learned how to BARK!  It is of course a very high pitched bark but I assure you, it is still a bark and causes quite a racket.  Good thing they are "stinkin' cute" or they may have been tossed out at 3 AM!  We feed them twice a day and then Stripe supplements with her milk.  They are definitely developing personalities.  I tried to color code them with food coloring on the tips of their tails but that wore off in a few hours.  Still trying to figure out a system.  Here are some pics of the precious babies!

Eyes Open!!

First feeding with puppy food.

Week two laundry basket picture.

Love, Sher

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Roof's on

 West and South sides, double door up.
 North side with gray corner piece and beige roof.
How does this color match?
