Thursday, June 2, 2011

Puppies at 2 Weeks

Hi Y'all,

Sorry I haven't blogged about my babies this week...been busy but I took alot of pics over the weekend so I'll share them now. 

We had a very hectic Memorial Day weekend with Stripe and the babies.  Stripe developed mastitis in one of her breasts and was throwing up Friday night.  We started her on antibiotics and anti-inflammatories and warm compresses of epsom salts and it seemed to be working.  Also started feeding her a little bit at 2 hour intervals.  Plus, wormed the puppies for the first time and clipped all of their nails because they were scratching her boobies.  We also started feeding them puppy food made soggy with water and putting them all in a baby pool with the food and just let them wallow around.  Boy did they like that!  Some of them took right to it immediately and some I had to teach by putting a little food in my finger and putting it in their mouth.  They would start sucking on my finger and quickly figured out how to eat it.  It was very cute.  They have also learned how to BARK!  It is of course a very high pitched bark but I assure you, it is still a bark and causes quite a racket.  Good thing they are "stinkin' cute" or they may have been tossed out at 3 AM!  We feed them twice a day and then Stripe supplements with her milk.  They are definitely developing personalities.  I tried to color code them with food coloring on the tips of their tails but that wore off in a few hours.  Still trying to figure out a system.  Here are some pics of the precious babies!

Eyes Open!!

First feeding with puppy food.

Week two laundry basket picture.

Love, Sher

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